With the Salisbury city council elections just around the corner it was realtors, developers and landlords who were providing candidates with campaign funds.
Roger Mazzullo who is challenging Mayor Jim Ireton in District 4 pulled in $3,450.
The Salisbury Daily Times reports that 90 percent of that came from landlords, their employees or business associates.
Ireton has been a strong critic of the landlords in Salisbury and has proposed rent stabilization measure which was tabled by the city council.
The mayor has raised $870.
Meanwhile, the Coastal Association of Realtors has also given $250 each to Council member Shanie Shields in District 1 Muir Boda in District 2 and Jack Heath in Dsitrict 2
The sole Mayoral candidate Jake Day was the biggest fundraiser at nearly $25-thousand.
Council member Laura Mitchell who is unopposed in District 5 has raised less than $600.