Wicomico County is mourning the loss of County Executive Bob Culver who died on Sunday from liver cancer. Salisbury City Council President Jack Heath ran…
Mayor Jake Day swept to victory for a second term as Salisbury’s chief executive with 86 percent of the vote.His opponent Wayne King received 14…
At forum held by the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce six of the ten candidates running for Salisbury City Council focused on the growth the town has…
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan won re-election last night the first Republican to do so since 1954.He beat out Democratic candidate Ben Jealous in a state…
It was a record turnout in Maryland for early voting.The state’s total was just over 661-thousand.The number of Democrats casting their ballots was nearly…
In the money race for the Wicomico County Executive incumbent Republican Bob Culver and independent candidate Jack Heath are less than two hundred dollar…
Early voting begun yesterday and local officials say turnout has been strong.The Salisbury Daily Times reports…that line were already forming in Salisbury…
Audio from the Wicomico County Executive debate, held October 9th, 2018, at the Wicomico Room in the Guerrieri Center on the Campus of Salisbury…
The three candidates for Wicomico County Executive faced off in a forum last night on the campus of Salisbury University.WBOC reports that independent…
Independent candidate for Wicomico County Executive Jack Heath has endorsed Republican Governor Larry Hogan in his re-election bid this year.In addition,…