Like many during the coronavirus oystermen have been struggling financially. Delmarva Public Media's Don Rush talks with Jeremy Cox, reporter for the…
The watermen are harvesting oysters, but the demand for them has dropped with the coronavirus. Delmarva Public Media's Don Rush talks with Jeremy Cox,…
Maryland lawmakers overrode the governor’s veto of a measure that would oversee the management of the state’s oysters.The legislation would use…
A report by the Maryland Department of the Environment and the University of Maryland's Center for Environmental Science finds that overharvesting could…
NORFOLK, Va. (AP) - The Lafayette River has become the first of five Virginia rivers to have its oyster population recover, having met state and federal…
An oyster restoration project in the Little Choptank River is being cut back by about one fourth or a 118 acres of the original goal.It will mean a…
NORFOLK, Va. (AP) - Oyster restoration efforts are almost complete on one river in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. But officials warn that federal funding…
TANGIER, Va. (AP) - An unusual crab has been pulled from the Chesapeake Bay.The blue crab has two oysters growing on either side of her head near her…
WILLIAMSBURG, Va. (AP) - A researcher at William & Mary says that "big, honkin' grandma oysters" could improve the Chesapeake Bay's oyster stock.Geology…
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) - The Maryland Senate has approved a two-season moratorium on fishing for cownose rays in contests, pending a study by a state…