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Two Year MD Moratorium on Cownose Ray Fishing Contests

Chesapeake Bay Program website

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) - The Maryland Senate has approved a two-season moratorium on fishing for cownose rays in contests, pending a study by a state agency.

The Senate voted 46-0 on Monday night for the moratorium.

Legislation initially called for a ban. Animal rights organizations, including the Humane Society and the Save the Rays coalition, say the contests are inhumane and harmful to the environment.

But some opponents of a permanent ban say the rays have been identified as damaging to the Chesapeake Bay's oyster and blue crab populations. As a compromise, the legislation was changed to have a moratorium in place until July 2018. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources will complete a study by the end of the year.

The bill now goes to the House of Delegates.

Don Rush is the News Director and Senior Producer of News and Public Affairs at Delmarva Public Media. An award-winning journalist, Don reports major local issues of the day, from sea level rise, to urban development, to the changing demographics of Delmarva.