Some 25-hundred Comcast customers were hit with an outage in the Salisbury area yesterday.The Salisbury Daily Times reports that the Wicomico County…
The large chicken farm slated for just north of Salisbury has been scrapped.The Salisbury Daily Times reports that the owners have sold the property off…
The access ramp on southbound Route 13 near the Centre at Salisbury will reopen on Monday.It’s been closed since July forcing travelers to detour east of…
The Wicomico County Council approved a set of regulations for large chicken house operations yesterday.The new rules call for greater setbacks,…
The emergence of the large chicken house operations has caused a stir in Wicomico County. Residents near a proposed 10 house operation near Naylor Mill…
The prospect of big chicken house operations in Wicomico county drew a large audience at the Youth and Civic Center last night.It was last chance for many…
The Wicomico County Council moved ahead yesterday with new restrictions on mega-chicken houses.The proposal would keep new large poultry houses from being…
An environmental consultant says that it would be okay for Wicomico County to allow the large chicken house operation slated for Naylor Mill Road.The…
The development of the large chicken operations with as many as 10 houses has Delmarva officials scrambling to find ways to regulate them as local…
The Maryland Secretary of Agriculture Joe Bartenfelder says Wicomico County must find a compromise between residents and poultry growers over the proposed…