A service of Salisbury University and University of Maryland Eastern Shore
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As part of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, a historically black institution, WESM 91.3 FM has traditionally embraced diversity. This has been a goal and element of UMES since its founding, and one that WESM, and by extension Delmarva Public Media stations, continues to promote.


Delmarva Public Media stations air special programming addressing issues of concern for diverse audiences, including women and minorities.  These special programs explore topics including, but not limited to, the history and culture of African-Americans, Latin-Americans, and other minority groups. Other topics feature socioeconomic challenges in society, religion, ethnic heritage, historical documentaries regarding civil rights, and other issues of importance to diverse communities. Special programming also includes long-form and some shorter-form segments aired during news-magazines (e.g. Morning Edition and All Things Considered). Delmarva Public Media promotes these programs on our web site, and links to the content providers.

Delmarva Public Media stations are firmly committed to promoting diversity by continuing to share and broadcast content which targets diverse audiences and interests. Our belief is that programming featuring diversity of thought and experience is helpful to our listeners, even when the issues featured are not obvious major concerns for our geographic region (e.g. border security, or when a minority group does not have major representation in our area). We believe it is our responsibility to provide a forum of expression for a variety of topics, voices and points of view, as they help to expose our listeners to new and different perspectives.



Our diversity policy mission is reflected in our workforce. Our parent institutions, Salisbury University and the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, both employ a diverse workforce.




Delmarva Public Media staff incorporates persons of diverse religious, linguistic, generational and cultural backgrounds, and gender expression.

Student Engagement

Delmarva Public Media stations have maintained a commitment to diversity goals via opportunities for students at both parent institutions, SU and UMES. We note the importance of helping UMES students, in particular, as part of a historically black institution, prepare to enter a broadcast industry that is not often reflective of American diversity as a whole.

Delmarva Public Media will continue to provide opportunities for diverse students who express an interest in the radio industry. These opportunities include, but are not limited to, internships, student workers, one-on-one career counseling, and resume help.