The fight over who will succeed the late Bob Culver to be the next Wicomico County Executive has resulted in the extension of the deadline for…
The seven member Wicomico County has two new Democrats Bill McCain and Josh Hastings.That means the current council with six Republicans will now see a…
Wicomico County is considering development of the Pirate’s Wharf property for a public park.The Salisbury Daily Times reports that money for the project…
The Wicomico County Executive and Council are at odds over the changes made in the 2018 budget.County Executive Bob Culver charges that the council may…
A rift appears to be breaking between the new Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver and some county council members over the firing of Lee Beauchamp who…
The Wicomico County Council is set to take up how to implement the state’s new septic system law at tomorrow’s regular meeting. The law requires the…
The Wicomico County Council is set to take up funding for construction of the new Bennett Middle School.Consideration of the $12.5 million bond by the…
The Wicomico County Council will make its annual trek outside its usual chambers to get public input on the local government’s budget.Council President…