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The Splendid Table
Sunday at 10AM on WSDL, 90.7 FM

The Splendid Table is radio's preeminent food program, airing on more than 400 public radio stations in the United States, plus SIRIUS satellite radio and World Radio Switzerland. Host Lynne Rossetto Kasper and producer Sally Swift create this award-winning program that explores the entire spectrum of food: from cheese making to finding wine bargains to the science of a great cup of coffee great to the best little greasy spoons in America.

The Splendid Table has been at the forefront of food issues and policies since its inception. Long before eating local became a catchphrase and farmers' markets became ubiquitous, the show had to make sure to define such terms as organic and sustainable for listeners. Today those terms have become part of the everyday lexicon, and people's hunger for wholesome food and the rituals surrounding it has only increased.