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Stuck in the Psychedelic Era
Thursdays 2:00-4:00 PM on WSDL 90.7

Stuck in the Psychedelic Era is rooted in the music created by self-contained American bands of the late 1960s (and their British inspirations), yet is constantly expanding beyond those roots to create an eclectic blend of music unlike anything else in modern radio.

Much of the music is taken directly from vintage vinyl, scratches and all. The rest comes from Compact Disc compilations and re-issues of original albums, all taken from the Hermit’s personal collection.

Invoking the original underground radio format of the late 1960s the style is clean and direct, with no jingles, stingers or pre-recorded promos to clutter up the mix. Commentary is centered on the music itself: artist histories, contextual information, anecdotes, personal memories and occasional forays into how the music of the psychedelic era relates to today’s world, with additional track by track commentary (including technical details such as release year, original label and songwriting info) available on a separate blog page, updated weekly.