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DPM Special Presentation: Voices of Salisbury - Building a Sustainable Downtown (orig. aired 12/22/23)

Delmarva Public Media

This hour long audio documentary was produced by Dr. Michael Lewis' ENVR Senior Seminar Class at Salisbury University in a semester long project in the fall of 2023.

The program explores the past, the present and the potential future of Salisbury's downtown.

Delmarva Public Media's Bryan Russo was the documentary's Managing Producer.

Bryan brings over 20 years of broadcasting and journalism experience to Delmarva Public Media after doing multi-award-winning work for WAMU/WRAU-FM as the host of “Coastal Connection” and as its coastal reporter. He’s contributed to national entities like the BBC, NPR, and the Associated Press, and worked the local newsbeat at the Maryland Coast Dispatch in Ocean City.