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DPM Special Presentation: The Wicomico River (orig. aired 5/26/23)


The Wicomico River: The Soul of Salisbury is an examination of the environmental importance of this river to the region. This documentary is a collaboration of the Delmarva Public Media staff with Salisbury University's Environmental Studies program, to create the student-led audio documentary exploring key environmental topics related to the Wicomico River. The 11 students in Dr. Michael Lewis's Environmental Studies Seminar learned how to be reporters, interviewers, and editors under the mentorship of Delmarva Public Media's Bryan Russo, director of production and operations, and former development director/deputy general manager Matthew Heim. The resultant piece by these new storytellers is an intriguing and insightful work which strengthens our commitment to producing local programs. The project was funded by grants from the Chesapeake Bay Trust and City of Salisbury.

Bryan brings over 20 years of broadcasting and journalism experience to Delmarva Public Media after doing multi-award-winning work for WAMU/WRAU-FM as the host of “Coastal Connection” and as its coastal reporter. He’s contributed to national entities like the BBC, NPR, and the Associated Press, and worked the local newsbeat at the Maryland Coast Dispatch in Ocean City.