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How to Make Golf Courses Better for the Environment


In the 3rd episode of "Waterways to Airwaves" series, we spotlight Gunpowder Valley Conservancy, (GVC) a Baltimore County-based land trust and watershed restoration non-profit organization. Formed in 1989. GVC is committed to clean water for the two million people who live in, visit or benefit from the Gunpowder Watershed by preserving land, restoring ecosystems, and encouraging people to become environmental stewards. Why do generations of volunteers keep showing up for GVC? How can a golf course better serve the enviroment? Listen to eagles fly at Loch Raven Resevior! Hear from the people who make it happen. All Music and Lyrics by James Harrell and Ilyana Kadushin.

Don Rush is the News Director and Senior Producer of News and Public Affairs at Delmarva Public Media. An award-winning journalist, Don reports major local issues of the day, from sea level rise, to urban development, to the changing demographics of Delmarva.