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Radio Plays from Salisbury University

Sunday, May 16th at 8PM on WSCL 89.5

The programs at every university faced unprecedented challenges in the 2020/2021 academic year. However, the performing arts faced a particular set of challenges. How do we stay creatively engaged when our art relies on liveness? To provide a creative outlet for students, Professor Blake Harris (SU Music, Theatre, & Dance) created a class that provided students with complete autonomy to develop a creative process that resulted in producing a radio play. The students adapted two radio dramas from the classic radio series "Lights Out." Students created sound effects and recorded their characterizations while observing COVID-19 safety measures utilizing what was available to them. These projects are examples of tenacity, creating something from nothing when the odds are stacked against you.

-Little Old Lady

College roommates Lona and Alice make a visit to surprise a long lost aunt. Unfortunately not all is as it seems.

Alayna Avent - Scheduling / Sheriff Wells

Michelina Deveas - Aunt Harriet

Alex Fregger- Editor / Joe

Blake Harris - Himself

Abigail Johnson - Lona

Molly Witkin - Script Editor / Alice

-Slurp! Goes the Amoeba

Slurp! Goes the Amoeba- Radio Play

Our show is about a scientist and his assistant that, in their attempt to create life, create a monstrous amoeba that causes chaos and danger

Megan Baker- Sound Effects

Blake Harris - Himself

Joshua Royal Miller - Dr. Baumeister

Kelsey Pintzow -Editor / Esther

Brandon Stark - Laferski

Skylar Vann - Scheduling

Chris Ranck is Delmarva Public Media's Executive Producer, Program Director and Automation Engineer.