There were miniature plastic wind turbines on display as supporters of clean energy rallied outside the House of Delegates in Annapolis.They were backing…
OCEAN CITY, Md. (AP) - A new bill in Maryland's General Assembly would prohibit offshore wind turbines from being erected within 26 miles of the coast.The…
The Ocean City Town Council voted unanimously last night to reject the construction of offshore turbines where they could be seen along its 10 mile coast…
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) - A Maryland environmental coalition is criticizing an amendment added to legislation by U.S. Rep. Andy Harris that they say could…
Wind turbines off the Maryland coast just got a boost.The Maryland Public Service Commission has awarded renewable energy credits for two projects that…
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) - Two companies have won the right to build windmills off the New Jersey coast to generate enough power for up to 1.2 million homes.The…
SALISBURY, Md. (AP) - A Texas energy company says it's shelving plans for a wind farm on Maryland's Eastern Shore amid opposition from state and federal…
The Somerset County Planning and Zoning Commission has just approved the regulations that could pave the way for a major wind farm project.It now goes to…
Pioneer Green says new recommendations to tighten restrictions on wind turbines would end plans for a wind farm in Somerset County.This warning comes…
Maryland lawmakers, environmental groups and wind energy advocates called on Senator Barbara Mikulski to pull non-binding language in the Defense spending…