There’s a new report that finds that overall Delaware ranks as the 30th healthiest state in the country similar to the previous two years.The United…
Management of septic systems in Wicomico County has come in for criticism by industry professionals.The Salisbury Daily Times reports that the problems…
BALTIMORE (AP) - A federal judge has dismissed a Maryland lawsuit against President Donald Trump's administration for what it portrayed as recurring…
ROANOKE, Va. (AP) - A report by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia says a record number of science, technology, engineering, math and…
The 2018 Kids Count Data Book has found that Maryland comes in at 15th for economic well-being and 17th in health. In addition, for education it ranks 9th…
Salisbury University is creating a new unit called the College of Health and Human Services.It is meant to streamline and create more collaboration for…
WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. Senate has passed a bill granting federal recognition to six American Indian tribes in Virginia, a move that makes the tribes…
Former Vice President Joe Biden told a gathering yesterday that a University of Delaware initiative could be a model for creating healthier and more…
BALTIMORE (AP) - Premium costs for plans sold on Maryland's health exchanges are set to rise as state regulators approve increased rates. The Baltimore…
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - State officials are teaming up with health care groups to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria.The Virginia Department of Health is…