ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) - Barack Obama has endorsed Ben Jealous for governor of Maryland.The former president announced the endorsement on Monday.Jealous, who…
BALTIMORE (AP) - The National Rifle Association has downgraded Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan's ranking and is refusing to endorse him.The move comes after the…
Independent candidate for Wicomico County Executive Jack Heath has endorsed Republican Governor Larry Hogan in his re-election bid this year.In addition,…
BALTIMORE (AP) - Maryland's largest teacher's union is officially endorsing Ben Jealous for governor.The Maryland State Education Association is…
FORT WASHINGTON, Md. (AP) - Rep. Donna Edwards has been endorsed by seven members of the Prince George's County Council in her bid to replace retiring…
BETHESDA, Md. (AP) - The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence has endorsed Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown in Maryland's gubernatorial race.The Brady campaign,…