There’s been a shift in traffic patterns along the Salisbury Bypass from southbound lanes to northbound lanes between U.S. Route 50 and the median…
An effort is now underway to fight addiction in Sussex County.It’s called Bridging Recovery in Delaware – Gathering Essential Supports or B.R.I.D.G.E.S.It…
Birds and bridges. Delmarva Public Radio Essayist George Merrill writes they both seem to delight in their each other's company.
A ten cent increase in Delaware’s gas tax is now up for consideration in the state legislature.It’s estimated that the increase would raise around $50…
Senator Tom Carper says he wants to up the tax on gasoline and diesel and introduced a measure last week that would hike it by 4 cents a year over the…
A committee in the Delaware House of Representatives has given its okay to increase DMV fees to provide more money for improving the state’s roads and…
Motorists on the Eastern Shore should get ready for work on five bridges in Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester Counties beginning this Friday.Work crews…
DOVER, Del. (AP) - Some bridges in Delaware and Maryland that need repairs could collapse if a single, vital component fails. But officials say motorists…