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Jake Day Makes Bid for Mayor in Salisbury

Don Rush

City Council President Jake Day made it official.

He is running for Mayor of Salisbury in this year's municipal elections.

Day announced his bid for the city’s top job at Headquarters Live in downtown Salisbury to a crowd that crossed party lines.

He has only been in office for a little over two years and was swept into office with the man he is trying to replace Mayor Jim Ireton.

Jim Ireton

Credit biopic
Mayor Jim Ireton

But, he had nothing but praise for the incumbent.

"I want to thank and applaud our current mayor for the six and a half years he have given this city of transformative leadership. And, though we may approach things differently, our priorities and passions are similar."

Ireton issued a statement short of saying he would not run for re-election but committed himself to doing the job until he hands over the keys.


Day also promised to leave the past political conflicts behind noting that too often the city was divided up into two sides.

During last night's event was attended by leaders from both parties including City Council Vice President Laura Mitchell, a Democrat, and Wicomico County Council President John Cannon, a Republican.

In looking to the future Day said, "I see a future where Salisbury leads the region and leads its peer cities and says, we're not comfortable just being one in a crowd anymore."

Don Rush is the News Director and Senior Producer of News and Public Affairs at Delmarva Public Media. An award-winning journalist, Don reports major local issues of the day, from sea level rise, to urban development, to the changing demographics of Delmarva.