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Delmarva Today 12-10-2021 part two

Harold Wilson’s guest is Lyn Sutton, a fitness professional, coach and organizer of a Rock Steady Boxing program here on the Eastern Shore. A 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, Rock Steady Boxing gives people with Parkinson’s disease hope and confidence by improving the quality of their lives through a non-contact boxing based exercise program. There are currently six program locations on the Eastern Shore.

Parkinson’s affects one’s ability to control movement and results in noticeable symptoms such as tremors, slowness of movement, stiff limbs, unsteady walk, balance, and coordination problems, and stooped posture among a number of other more subtle afflictions. The Rock Steady exercises appear to directly address these major symptoms.

According to the Parkinson’s Foundation nearly a million people in the US have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s and 60,000 are diagnosed each year. Many people are aware of the disease through the diagnosis of Mohammed Ali and Michael J. Fox. Other notables diagnosed, however, are Alan Alda, George H.W Bush, Jesse Jackson, Pope John Paul II, Janet Reno, Linda Ronstadt, and Robin Williams, to name a few.

Chris Ranck is Delmarva Public Media's Executive Producer, Program Director and Automation Engineer.