At this week’s county council meeting Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver cut bond funding for the construction of a new West Salisbury Elementary School from the county’s capital improvement budget.
The newly elected Republican slashed the $1.25 million bond from the plan along with a $1.8 million bond for construction of the Westside Collector Road and another $1 million from improvements for the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center.
The Salisbury Daily Times reports that a Facilities Task Force found the school built in the 1960’s to have the worst quality of facilities out of all the county’s 27 schools.
Ernest Davis the lone Democrat on the Council dissented saying that the project has been put on the back burner for several years.
Those in the audience reacted angrily with Danielle Thomas who said she was concerned that the renovations at the Perdue Stadium taken priority over the school.