A service of Salisbury University and University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Outside Investigation of DelDOT


          There will be an outside investigation into the planning, real estate, a record keeping Practices at the Delaware Department of Transportation.

            The probe comes after evidence of poor document security and unexplained gaps in key files…that could impact millions of taxpayer dollars.

            The Wilmington News Journal reports that the Transportation Secretary Shailen Bhatt…would not rule out criminal misconduct.

            The investigation was sparked by a series of Freedom of Information Act requests filed by the News Journal in recent months…looking into the agency’s land deals and involvement with political figures to get certain highway projects that affect commercial interests.

            Bhatt said yesterday that he would ask a forensics accounting firm and a security group with retired FBI agents to look at the records and security practices.

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Don Rush is the News Director and Senior Producer of News and Public Affairs at Delmarva Public Media. An award-winning journalist, Don reports major local issues of the day, from sea level rise, to urban development, to the changing demographics of Delmarva.