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What you had to say about the issues that seem to be at a stalemate in your area


Now that we've been reminded about how the Constitution was set up to protect minority interests, which, at the time, mainly meant small states versus big states, we want to turn to the issues where you told us you see this playing out now in your own lives. We asked you to tell us about issues where you live that you think are supported by a majority of people, yet can't seem to get support from the leaders, or have even been blocked. We heard about big issues.

NOAH RICH: About 71% of New Hampshire voters describe themselves as pro-choice, as reported in a poll published by Saint Anselm College. However, in late June, Governor Chris Sununu signed the most restrictive abortion ban in our state's recent history, banning abortion after the first 24 weeks of pregnancy.

PAT MALONEY: Kentuckians are overwhelmingly supportive of medical marijuana laws, but an extreme case of political gridlock is prolonging the pain and suffering of many of our residents.

ANDREA BIONDI: Despite the fact that Medicaid expansion is a very popular topic among voters, they will not allow it to come to a vote. As a nurse practitioner, I see health care inequality every single day at my job. It's very difficult to watch patients unable to afford their health care and necessary treatments for them and their children. It's sort of soul-crushing each day at work when I encounter this.

AMY PROTEC: The issue I'd like to talk about is immigration and, more specifically, the restoration of standard driver's licenses and state IDs for Michigan residents of all immigration statuses. Because driving is so indispensable across most of Michigan to get anywhere, the lack of driver's licenses for all increases the number of uninsured and unlicensed drivers on the road, which, in turn, increases insurance premiums and decreases road safety across the state.

TOM HIXSON: I have no problem with people having guns. I have a problem with people having guns without any kind of training, without any kind of background checks. And so in my community, I see it playing out in that there's a lot of fear around people having guns.

CHUCK TRYON: Our state legislature, which is currently dominated by the Republican Party, has openly said that they don't plan to pass legislation that would exempt the student loan forgiveness from being taxed, which means that if students had 10 or $20,000 of their student loan debt forgiven, they would be subject to a tax that could be two or three or $4,000 depending on their income level.

MARTIN: That was Chuck Tryon of Holly Springs, N.C. Earlier, we heard from, in order, Noah Rich in Dover, N.H., Pat Maloney in Lexington, Ky., Andrea Biondi in the research triangle area of North Carolina, Amy Protec in Ann Arbor, Mich., and Tom Hixson of Stillwater, Minn. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.
